

Dr. Al-Mujahid discusses the aspects of cooperation with Yemen Mobile August 2023: ■Today, Dr. Amal Al-Mujahid, The Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences at Thamar University, discussed with Najeeb Al-Bakili, The Brand Specialist at Yemen Mobile, the future aspects of cooperation between the College and the Company. The two sides discussed a number of ideas and proposals within the Community Partnership initiative. Dr. Al-Mujahid expressed her great appreciation for the support provided by Yemen Mobile Company in equipping the Computer Lab at the Economic Consulting and Management Training Center. She pointed to the importance of the cooperation and partnership between The Government Institutions and The National Companies within the framework of Social Responsibility based on giving attention to the Academic and Educational aspects. During their visit to the Computer Lab and College Halls.. The Brand Specialist of Yemen Mobile Company expressed the company's readiness to provide more support, such as providing and installing seating seats for students in the courtyard of the college and identification panels.. The meeting was attended by The Vice-Dean of Student Affairs, The Heads of Scientific Departments and Thre college secretary.