About The Faculty


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For The Faculty



Pioneering university education and scientific research in the fields of computing and informatics.


Providing distinguished educational and research programs in accordance with the standards of quality and academic accreditation and preparing an academic environment for building knowledge and acquiring skills in research and innovation in the areas of computing and informatics to provide society and the labor market with distinct and competitive competencies.


1. Providing the community with specialists in the fields of computing and informatics who are able to deal with the requirements of the labor market professionally and professionally.
2. Providing distinguished and varied academic programs that are in line with the standards of quality and academic accreditation with continuous development by providing an encouraging environment that meets the needs of the labor market.
3. Providing students with the knowledge necessary to complete their graduate studies and team work, understand their professional and ethical responsibilities, and instill the principle of self and continuous learning.
4. Providing the college with academic competencies and qualifying and training the teaching and administrative staff.
5. Enhancing the college’s role in scientific research, accomplishing scientific research in the areas of computing and informatics, and providing advisory services.
6. Enhancing cooperation with the corresponding colleges locally, regionally, and internationally in the academic field and scientific research.


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Number of centers


Number of academics


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