Council of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research


Council of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research
The Council of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research consists of:
Vice President of the University for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, Chairman of the Council
Vice deans of faculties for graduate studies and scientific research, members of the council
Director General of Graduate Studies, Council Rapporteur
Specializations of the Council of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research:
Organizing and encouraging the affairs of scientific studies and scientific research and providing financial support and other requirements.
Proposing a general policy for graduate studies and scientific research in various fields, and defining the system of graduate studies and scientific research, the rules for accepting, registering, transferring and sending students.
- Approval of the supervision and discussion committees for scientific theses, their specifications, study expenses, the conditions for granting scientific degrees, scientific research plans, and everything related to graduate studies and scientific research, including the supervision of its administrative units.